– a unique tool for the research on materials from the forest
The beamline ForMAX at MAX IV is a unique tool for studying and characterising materials from the forest and their fabrication processes. ForMAX is made possible by a donation from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation and the industry’s investment in Treesearch.
ForMAX is available via the MAX IV user program. The researchers in WWSC have possibility to apply to special access to the beamline by being associated to Treesearch.
The ForMAX synchrotron beamline at the MAX IV synchrotron in Lund is an instrument dedicated to solve research questions regarding biobased materials and processes. The beamline features a tailor-made combination of experimental techniques, providing unique opportunities for advanced material characterization and the ability to follow complex real-time processes. For technical specifications for ForMAX, please visit MAX IV’s webpage.
The first experiments of the beamline were carried out in the fall 2022. WWSC researchers were part of both the very first experiments and the first industrial experiments.
Application for access to the ForMAX beamline is made in the open MAX IV Calls for proposals, that open in February and September. As associated to Treesearch, researchers in WWSC can apply for special access in the application.
ForMAX will be very important for the fundamental academic research that is conducted on wood-based materials, which is the basis for the material applications that can then be developed
Eva Malmström Jonsson, director of WWSC
ForMAX is a collaboration between the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation and the Swedish industry, where KAW finances the construction of the beamline with a donation of 100 million kronor, and the industry in Treesearch will contribute to the operations with SEK 8 million yearly for ten years, ensured through Treesearch. Through this commitment, researchers active in research projects associated to Treesearch will be offered priority access to advanced characterization based on synchrotron light at MAX IV. By contributing to close and successful research collaboration between academia and industry, ForMAX contributes to the Swedish forest industry’s competitiveness.