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Roland Kádár

Roland Kádár
Industrial and Materials Science

Research area:

The processing of soft matter into products typically involves rheologically complex fluids in complex flow configurations. Thus, understanding flow-field-matter/compositional interactions in relation to fundamental rheological properties is essential for obtaining products with favorable performance. In this framework, the group operates in the general area of Dynamics of complex fluids with particular applications to the rheology and processing of soft matter.

Main current research and related activities and interests are:
(i) Advanced characterization methods, method development - focused on nonlinear material characterization and hyphenated rheological techniques, e.g. rheo-microscopy, rheo-SAXS, rheo-dielectric spectroscopy, mainly applied to nanocellulose suspensions, polymer nanocomposites, adhesives and biomaterials (biofilms, tissues).
(ii) Tailoring multifunctional properties in nanostructured materials - focused on the process structuring of polymer nanocomposites based on graphene and other high aspect ratio fillers for enhanced electrical, antibacterial, thermal, mechanical, gas-barrier etc. properties.
(iii) Dynamics of simple and complex fluids for processing applications - focused on modeling, processing flow and compositional optimization of high filler content bicomposites and flow-assisted structuring of nanocrystalline cellulose dispersions.

Roland is PI in the Wallenberg Wood Science Centre (WWSC 2.0) and the Vinnova Competence Centre '2D material-based technology for industrial applications' (2D-TECH). In addition to his activities at Chalmers, Roland is Editor of the Annual Transactions of the Nordic Rheology Society.