WWSC workshop June 2021
Winter Workshop 2023
Welcome to the 2023 WWSC Winter Workshop!
Open for WWSC members and invited guests only.
The workshop is held at Bohusgården, Uddevalla (Göteborg area).
Tuesday November 21
Day 1
09.45 Bus leaving Skövde C
10.15 Bus leaving Gothenburg C
12.30 Lunch
13:30 Welcome address
Eva Malmström, Center Director
14:30 Drug-eluting polyelectrolyte microgels: Microstructure and
release mechanism
Per Hansson, Uppsala University
15:15 Coffee break
15:45 Pitch session
16.45 Short break
17:00 Poster session 1 & 2
19:00 Dinner
Wednesday November 22
Day 2
09:00 Allocated time for research project meetings and WWSC LG meeting
10:00 Biomaterials for the next generation of regenerative & restorative bioelectronic systems
Maria Asplund, Chalmers
10:45 Coffee break
11:15 Nanocellulose-protein interactions, self-assmbly and hybrid materials
Gustav Nyström, Empa
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Wood-based biorefining: Why – Past – Present – Challenges
Hans Theliander, Chalmers
13:45 Presentation of incoming Assistant Professors in WWSC
14:45 WWSC Program meetings (Program I – IV)
including coffee break
16:30 Activity
19:00 Dinner
Thursday November 23
Day 3
09:00 Adhesion and fracture of soft dissipative materials
Matteo Ciccotti, ESPCI Paris PSL
09:45 Introducing thermoplasticity to hemicelluloses
Anna Ström, Chalmers
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 Finding challenges and solutions through collaboration –
modifying and analyzing cellulose and xylans
Tiina Nypelö, Aalto University
11:45 Concluding remarks
12:00 Lunch
13:30 Buses leaving Bohusgården, arriving at Gothenburg C ca 15.00, and
Skövde C ca 15.30