The interest in WWSC’s activities continues to grow, both in Sweden and internationally, and often various organizations request to come and visit our facilities and learn more about our activities.
An organization with a natural interest in WWSC is of course our main funding body KAW. In May, the board of KAW decided to have their spring meeting in the facilities of WWSC KTH. In the same month we were also visited by the management of EPFL in Swizerland and a delegation from the French embassy, including representatives from the forest association forest-related companies in France.
The different visits all included presentations about WWSC by the WWSC Director Eva Malmström, and lab demonstrations by some of our fantastic PhD students and postdocs. The visitors got to see demos of solid water, transparent wood, lignin materials, biobased wood adhesives, and the world’s strongest biobased fiber, made from nanocellulose. All visits included enthusiastic and interesting discussions on the possibilities of making new biobased and sustainable materials from wood to solve some of the emerging challenges in our society.
We are so happy to have all these engaged visits from different areas, which all contribute with exchange of ideas, interesting questions and lively discussions. Hope to see you soon again!