New at WWSC: Yuanyuan Li, KTH

Yuanyuan Li is new Assistant Professor at KTH and WWSC, focusing on wood and cellulose nanostructure control to extend property range and provide new functions. “I look forward to building an energetic group and creating attractive research areas.”

What research will you do in WWSC?

– I will work on bio-based composite materials with a focus on wood and cellulose nanotechnologies: from fundamental understanding to structural control, materials design, and further applications.

– I have been working on wood and cellulose nanotechnologies for several years, focusing on wood and cellulose nanostructure control in order to extend their property range and provide new functions. Some examples include transparent wood, conductive wood, wood-based electronics, and transparent paper, says Yuanyuan Li.

How did you become interested in this area in particular?

– Wood is the most important bio-engineering material. At the very beginning, I just wanted to know why there are so many types of papers from wood. Then I wanted to know more; how to achieve this, what else can we do with wood structure, etc. The more you learn about this attractive area, the more you want to know.

What do you hope to achieve during your time in WWSC?

– I hope to be able to increase the competence in WWSC regarding sustainable materials design by addressing exciting scientific problems, creating new knowledge, and supervising students. During the time here, I hope to develop my pedagogical skills, research, and leadership skills to become a better teacher, supervisor, researcher and leader. I’m looking forward to building an energetic group and creating attractive research areas.


In WWSC, Yuanyuan is working in Program 5: Biocomposites and wood materials. Read more about Program 5 >>

Read more about the the department of Fibre and Polymer Technology at KTH >>

About Yuanyuan Li

Yuanyuan Li received her doctorate from Nanjing Forestry University in China and also visited University of Maryland, USA, as a visiting researcher during her doctoral studies. After that she came to KTH as a postdoctoral fellow where she continued as a researcher in the group of Prof. Lars Berglund. In 2020 she was promoted to Assistant Professor of Biocomposites at the department of Fibre and Polymer Technology, KTH, and WWSC.

Find contact information to Yuanyuan Li at  or at >>