Finally, after two failed attempts due to the covid restrictions during the last couple of years, the WWSC Summer Workshop 2022 was arranged at Marstrand close to Gothenburg on June 20-22. Just over 100 participants gathered for the workshop, including both WWSC members and some external guests. The participants got to experience an excellent scientific program, with 11 invited speakers, whereof four were on Zoom, as well as ample time for scientific discussions, networking and enjoying the beautiful surroundings on the west coast island Marstrand. One of the highlights of the workshop was, as always, the pitch- and poster session with the PhD students. The level of the presentations from all PhD students was very high, but three posters stood out from the rest and were named as winners. The jury, consisting of Lauren McKee, KTH, Viktor Gueskine, LiU, Gunnar Westman, Chalmers, Olena Sevastyanova, KTH, and Sandor Albrecht, KAW WALP, made their evaluation based on the performance in the pitch presentation, the design and presentation of the posters, and the scientific content.The winners were: 1st prize: Tijana Todorovic, KTH, “Hemicellulose-based adhesives in the particleboard industry” Congratulations to all three winners!
Poster-prize winners WWSC Summer Workshop 2022
This year's WWSC Summer Workshop was held at Marstrand on the Swedish west coast and included invited lectures by internationally renowned researchers, and the traditional pitch- and poster session with the PhD students. Excellent presentations by all PhD students made the competition tough, but in the end three winners could be named.