WWSC Academy has offered two week-long courses per year, covering scientific topics as well as IPR and innovation, and study visits. To date, 60 PhD students have graduated and additionally 50 are on the way.
In connection with the upcoming retirement of one of the driving forces behind the graduate school, WWSC Academy director Paul Gatenholm, Chalmers, a new take on the academy format is being made.
“Paul Gatenholm has made a fantastic work with WWSC Academy. To continue and to further develop the graduate school, we now want to engage our researchers even more”, says Eva Malmström, director of WWSC.
Starting from January 2023, WWSC Academy will be directed by a management team, that together will lead the way forward for the graduate school. The new management consists of director Anette Larsson, Chalmers, and the deputy directors Lauren McKee, KTH, and Igor Zozoulenko, Linköping University.

“Through WWSC Academy we get well-educated PhDs with both a broad knowledge base and with cutting-edge expertise. Our task as managing the graduate school is to foresee what knowledge the future academy, industry and society need. Sweden needs well-educated persons in this area”, says Anette Larsson.
The importance of providing a common research background is emphasized by Igor Zozoulenko.

“WWSC has a truly multidisciplinary character with PhD students coming from very different curricula encompassing chemistry, material science, physics and biology. There is a strong need for courses covering both traditional areas as well as advanced subjects, to in that way provide a common background for all WWSC students”, says Igor Zozoulenko.
Lauren McKee addresses the value of the creation of networks in WWSC Academy, in addition to the knowledge that the students acquire.

“The academy gives our PhD students a sense of community. This is really important, as it is easy to feel isolated when focused on your own research. At the same time, they get a well-rounded education in the disciplines relevant to the WWSC mission and make their first contacts with industry as well”, says Lauren McKee.
The planning for future WWSC Academy activities has now started, with the aim of starting up the courses in autumn 2023, when the new students have been recruited and arrived.
“We are definitely seeing an interesting and a bright future for WWSC Academy”, concludes Eva Malmström.