WWSC news

WWSC researcher co-author of EPNOE Polysacharide roadmap

Tiina Nypelö, associate professor at Chalmers and Aalto University, is one of the authors to the European Polysaccharide Network of Excellence (EPNOE) research roadmap 2040: Advanced strategies for exploiting the vast potential of polysaccharides as renewable bioresources.

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Lignin composite enhances the stability and efficiency in solar cells

WWSC researchers at Linköping University and KTH Royal Institute of Technology have developed a lignin-organic semiconductor composite materials for use as cathode interface layers in organic solar cells. The material is enhancing both the stability and the power conversion efficiency in state-of-the-art devices, thus paving way for biobased solar cells.

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Mika Sipponen Wallenberg Academy Fellow 2023

WWSC member Mika Sipponen, Assistant Professor at Stockholm University, is one of the 31 Wallenberg Academy Fellows 2023. In his research Mika Sipponen will investigate encapsulation of microorganisms into lignin-based materials, to make sustainale functional materials.

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Success for WWSC researchers in the annual open calls

The 2023 funding decisions for the Swedish research councils Vetenskapsrådet and Formas were announced in early November. Among the awardees were several WWSC affiliated researchers who will receive financing for 3-4 year projects within the areas of natural science and engineering.

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Nanocellulose makes battery recycling more efficient

The electrification of our society has led to  a growing need for efficient and sustainable battery recycling methods. In response to this challenge, researchers at WWSC at KTH have achieved a  breakthrough in battery recycling by using nanocellulose in the metal separation. This innovative approach has the potential to significantly simplify the separation of battery metals from other materials, addressing the pressing demand for eco-friendly recycling processes.

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Code of conduct for research groups – Lauren McKee shares her experiences

Academic workplaces can sometimes be challenging, with people with different background and with different expectations working together and sharing space. To prevent conflicts, and to strengthen the positive spirit in her research group, Lauren McKee is one of the PIs that has introduced a code of conduct. In an interview in Chemical World she shares her thoughts and experiences.

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Lignin Unleashed: Vibrant Brilliance in Rainbow Photonic Crystals

Lignin is highly interesting as raw material for fossil-free materials, but the brown color can in many cases limit the applications. Now WWSC researchers at Stockholm University has produced a lignin-based material with all the colors of the rainbow by preparing lignin micro/nanoparticles with structural colors.

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KAW board and international delegations visit WWSC

In May, WWSC KTH hosted visits from the board of KAW, the management of EPFL in Switzerland, and a delegation from the French embassy. The visitors got to see presentations of WWSC and lab demos of some of our activities, which spurred a lot of interesting discussions.

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Anselme Payen Award 2023 to Lars Berglund

Professor Lars Berglund has been honored with the prestigious Anselme Payen Award. The award, presented annually by the American Chemical Society: Cellulose and Renewable Materials (CELL) Division, acknowledges exceptional professional contributions to the science and chemical technology of cellulose and related products.

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