WWSC news

Martin Lawoko appointed as professor in wood chemistry

WWSC member Martin Lawoko has been appointed as professor of wood chemistry at KTH. Martin’s research group will focus on basic research on bio-based materials. He also wants to update the education with a focus on sustainability goals and strengthen universities in countries that lack resources.

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New at WWSC: Yuanyuan Li, KTH

Yuanyuan Li is new Assistant Professor at KTH and WWSC, focusing on wood and cellulose nanostructure control to extend property range and provide new functions.
“I look forward to building an energetic group and creating attractive research areas.”

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New at WWSC: Renee Kroon, LiU

The organic chemist Renee Kroon gets inspired by scientific discussions between students and colleagues and by collaboratively turning the ideas into new materials. In July 2020 he joined WWSC as an associate professor at the Laboratory of Organic Electronics (LOE) at Linköping University, thereby strengthening WWSC in the field of synthesis of semiconductor polymers for organic electronics.

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Forest for new conditions – moving from the old to the new

Trees that until now have become paper and wood should soon also be used for clothing, windows and fuel for cars, boats, and aircrafts.  And in order to have a sufficient supply of wood, scientists must ensure that the forests grow faster and are capable of doing so in a future changing climate. Watch the new possibilities by the forest related research in a new video by KAW!

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